
  1. /moose/::||webdes||
  2. /moose/opera/logg/::||opera||
  3. 1&1 Internet Ltd||various||
  4.||webdes|dunstan orchard|
  5. 456 Berea Street||webdes|roger johansson|
  6. A List Apart||webdes||
  8. Accessible Forms||access||
  9. Accessify||forum||
  10. Accessify||access||
  11. AJAX: getElementByClass||js||
  12. AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation||tools||
  13. Alton College||various||
  14. AMFPHP flash forum||php,flash,forum||
  15. AMFPHP Installation Guide||php,flash||
  16. Ananova||news||
  17. And all that Malarkey||standards||
  18. Anne's Weblog about Markup & Style||webdes||
  20. Antipixel||various|jeremy hedley|
  21. Aplus > IE / pos:rel / z-index||css,ie||
  22. Aplus||webdes|aleksandar vacic|
  23. A-Prompt Project||access||
  24. Ars Technica||comp||
  25. Ascii Table||tools||
  26. Ask Jeeves||search||
  27. ASP Functions -||asp||
  28. Asterisk*||webdes|keith robinson|
  29. Autistic Cuckoo||webdes|toolman,tommy olsson|
  30. Automatic Enkoderform||js|hivelogic|
  31. BBC NEWS||news||
  32. BBC Weather Centre 5 Day Forecast||weather||
  33. Beginning Perl Tutorials||perl||
  34. Best Treatments||various||
  35. Big Brother||tv||
  36. BIROCO.COM||various||
  37. BlueRobot||css||
  38. Bookmarklets||js||
  39. Box of chocolates||webdes|derek featherstone|
  40. Brain Jar||js||
  41. Bronte||estate||
  42. Brothercake Scripts||js||
  43. Browser Stats - W3Schools||browsers||
  44. Bryan Bell||webdes||
  45. Bugzilla||firefox,mozilla|bugs||
  46. Web Design Library||webdes||
  47. Bullet-Proof Rounded Corners||css||
  48. Centricle||css||
  49. CGI Scripts on The Staff Web Server||various||
  50. Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0||access||
  51. Civica - Licence to Click||windows||
  52. Cineworld Bradford||various||
  53. Clean CSS||css||
  56. Code Style||webdes||
  57. Code Style: Mac font survey results||type||
  58. Code Style: Windows font survey results||type||
  59. - Flash forum||flash||
  60. Codehouse DHTML||js||
  61. Color Mixer||tools||
  62. Companies House WebCheck||various||
  63. Companies House||various||
  64. Comprehensive guide to .htaccess||various||
  65. Containing Floats - Complex Spiral Consulting||css|eric meyer|
  66. COUP||various||
  67. CSS Creator->Page Layout||css||
  68. CSS Discuss||css||
  69. CSS Fast Rollovers Without Preload||css||
  70. CSS filters (hacks) - Centricle||css||
  71. CSS Forum||forum||
  72. CSS layout techniques -||css||
  73. CSS Play||css||
  74. CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0||access||
  75. CSS tips & tricks - W3C||css||
  76. CSS Tips and Tricks||css||
  77. CSS Vault||css||
  78. CSS Zen Garden||css|dave shea|
  79. CSS1 Spec - W3C||css||
  80. CSS1 Test Suite - W3C||css||
  81. CSS2 Absolute / Relative units - W3C||css||
  82. CSS2 properties (demos)||css||
  83. CSS2 Spec - W3C||css||
  84. CSS2 Test Suite||css|eric meyer|
  85. CSS2.1 Changes - W3C||css||
  86. CSS2.1 Test Suite - W3C||css||
  87. CSS3 Tests - The Dante Domocile||css||
  88. CSS3: under construction||css||
  89. Custom Buttons - Opera Browser Wiki||opera||
  90. Daring Fireball||apple|john gruber|
  92. Demo of 'inline-block' - W3C||css||
  93. Design by Fire||webdes||
  94. Design Detector||webdes||
  95. Dev Articles||forum||
  96. Dev Scripts||js||
  97. DHTML DOM Demonstrations||js||
  98. DHTML Lab||js||
  100. Digg||news||
  101. Digital Web Magazine - Features||webdes||
  102. Dijit's Computing Tips||comp||
  103. Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) & web accessibility||access||
  104. Dive Into Accessibility||access|mark pilgrim|
  105. Dive Into Greasemonkey||js|mark pilgrim|
  106. Dive Into Mark||webdes|mark pilgrim|
  107. DocInspector - JavaScript Inspector for Opera||js,opera||
  108. doctype tag problem with Netscape 6.2?||netscape||
  109. DOM CSS Properties List||css,js||
  110. Draw shapes with JavaScript||js||
  111. DRUDGE REPORT||news||
  112. DTDs - W3C||html||
  113. Easterwood||various||
  114. Error Control Operators - Manual||php||
  115. Eudora Forum||forum||
  117. FAQTs - Knowledge Base||php||
  118. fFrames for Netscape 4||netscape||
  119. File Upload - prevent timeout||various||
  120. Firefox Extensions||firefox||
  121. Firefox||browsers,firefox||
  122. Fixed Positioning For Internet Explorer On Windows||css,ie||
  123. Fixed sidebars||ie||
  124. Form Elements||js||
  125. Free Images - Free Stock Photos||free||
  126. Gecko DOM Reference||mozilla,js||
  127. GEO internationalization tests - W3C||browsers||
  128. getAttribute||mozilla,js||
  130. Google||search,google||
  131. Google Blog||google||
  132. Google Maps UK||google,tools||
  133. Google News||google,news||
  134. Google Suggest||google||
  135. Guidelines and Techniques - WAI ||access||
  136. Halifax Estate Agents||estate||
  138. hasLayout article||css,ie||
  139. HERO||various||
  140. Hicksdesign||webdes|jon hicks|
  141. High DPI in IE: Tip & Mystery Solved||ie||
  142. High-Logic News - Fix Font Folder||temp||
  143. Hivelogic||webdes|dan benjamin|
  144. Hixie's Natural Log||webdes||
  146. How browsers handle Tag Soup - Hixie||browsers||
  147. How To Create||webdes|mark wilton-jones,tarquin|
  148. HP Toolbox - HP Color LaserJet 2820||various||
  149. HTML 4.0 Entities - W3Schools||html||
  150. HTML 4.0 Tags - W3Schools||html||
  151. HTML 4.01 Reference - W3Schools||html||
  152. HTML 4.01 Spec - W3C||html||
  153. HTML Dog||webdes||
  154. HTML Special Characters and Browser Compatibility||browsers,html||
  155. htmlArea||html,js||
  157. Hypertext Style: Cool URIs don't change.||access,html||
  158. Hypulp||webdes||
  159. ic Wales||weather||
  160. IE6 new CSS defined!||css,ie||
  161. IE Blog||ie||
  162. Image Filtering with CSS||css,ie||
  163. Interface Fabrics - NEUPG Sample Centre||various||
  164. Internet Developer||apple,webdes||
  165. ITC Fonts||type||
  166. Java Boutique Button Navigation Applets||js||
  167. JavaScript Arrays: Properties and Methods||js||
  168. JavaScript Central||js||
  169. JavaScript Events - Gatescript||js||
  170. JavaScript Events - WDVL||js||
  171. JavaScript FAQ||js||
  172. JavaScript introduction - Really Fine Web Design||js||
  173. JavaScript Manual - PHP Freaks||js,php||
  174. JavaScript Numbers FAQ Knowledge Base||js||
  175. JavaScript Reference - String Object||js||
  176. JavaScript Source||js||
  177. JavaScript Tutorial||js||
  178. Jeffrey Zeldman||webdes||
  179. Jesse's Bookmarklets Site||js||
  181. Joe Clark||access||
  182. Kelkoo||shops||
  183. Keyboard Accessible Colour Slider||tools||
  185. LCD Monitor Parameters - X-bit labs||various||
  186. Leo's Icon Archive||free||
  187. LGF||news||
  188. Link Up||estate||
  189. Listamatic||css||
  190. Live Comment Previews||js||
  191. Live DOM Viewer||html||
  192. Making Your Site Modifiable||css||
  193. Mark Schenk||webdes||
  194. Max-width in Internet Explorer||css,ie||
  195. Metro||various||
  196.||webdes|eric meyer|
  197. Mezzoblue||webdes|dave shea|
  198. Michael Pick||webdes||
  199. Microsoft Clip Art||free||
  200. Microsoft filters||css,ie||
  201. Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP||windows||
  202. Microsoft Typography||type||
  203. Mike Davidson||various||
  204. Minimizing Flickering CSS Background Images in IE6||css,ie||
  205. Modulo 26||webdes||
  207. Mozilla CSS Extensions Syntax||css,mozilla||
  208. Mozilla CSS||css,mozilla||
  209. Mozilla DOM Samples||mozilla,js||
  210. Mozilla||browsers,mozilla||
  211. MozillaZine Forums||mozilla,forum||
  212. MozillaZine||mozilla||
  214. My Opera Forums||opera,forum||
  215. MySQL AB||mysql||
  216. National Lottery||various||
  217. Netscape Browser Archive - SillyDog701||netscape||
  218. Notepad2||windows||
  219. Office Depot||shops||
  220. OJEC||various||
  221. Open Directory||js||
  222. Opera Bug Tracking System||opera|bugs||
  223. Opera Community||opera||
  224. Opera config files||opera||
  225. Opera Desktop Team weeklies||opera||
  226. Opera User JavaScript Tutorial||opera,js||
  227. Opera||browsers,opera||
  228. opera:config|opera:config|opera||
  229. Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows||windows||
  230. PC Answers||forum||
  231. PC index||comp||
  232. PC Pro||comp||
  233. Perils of XHTML - 456 Berea Street||html|roger johansson|
  234. Perl 5.8.7 documentation -||perl||
  235. Perl XML Quickstart -||perl,xml||
  237. Peter L. Kantor - Web Tutorials||webdes||
  238. PGEA 2||various||
  239. Photo Matt||webdes||
  240. PHP Acronym Definer||php||
  241. PHP||php||
  242. PHP Classes Repository||php||
  243. PHP Manual||php||
  244. PHP Manual: Date formats||php||
  245. PHP Manual: File open formats||php||
  246. PHP Manual: Regular Expressions||php||
  247. PHP Manual: Strings||php||
  248. PHP Markdown||php||
  249. UK||php||
  250. phpBB||forum,php||
  251. phpMyAdmin||php||
  252. PNG in IE||ie||
  253. Popup Blocker Test||browsers||
  254. Position Is Everything||css|john gallant,holly hack,pie|
  255. Proc-HE Codes Searcher||tools||
  256. PSP5|file://localhost/C:/Program%20Files/Paint%20Shop%20Pro%205/Psp.exe|opera,windows||
  257. PSPad||windows||
  258. pwWebSpeak||access,windows||
  259. Quick reference to HTTP headers||html||
  260. QuirksMode||js|ppk,peter-paul koch|
  261. Reference for delphi,java,php,vbs,javascript,C||webdes||
  262. Regular Expression Library||js||
  264. Richey's PHP-BOX||php||
  265. bug guide - Netscape 4 - Part 1||netscape||
  267. Robert Watts||estate||
  268. Robots.txt Validator||tools||
  269. Rounded corners in CSS||css||
  270. Royal Armouries Museum||various||
  271. Ryan Carver Interview - WaSP||css||
  274. Script Benchmarker||js||
  275. Security Archives - Netcraft||comp||
  276. Security Space||comp||
  277. SENDA - Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001||access||
  279. sIFR 2.0||flash|mike davidson|
  280. Simon Willison's Weblog||webdes||
  281. SimpleBits||webdes|dan cederholm|
  282. SitePoint Webmaster||forum||
  283. Slashdot||news||
  284. Slayeroffice||webdes||
  285. Smack The Mouse||webdes||
  286. Software Downloads - University of Bradford||windows||
  287. Sortable Tables||js||
  288. Spread Firefox||firefox||
  289. Staff Holidays||various||
  290. Staff Site: Chris Hester||various||
  291. Stopdesign||webdes||
  292. Stuart Homfray||webdes||
  293. Style with DOM||js||
  294. Styling Web Pages - Opera Browser Wiki||opera||
  295. SUBWAY||various||
  297. Taming Multiple IE Standalones||ie||
  298. Tanfa||css|claire campbell,suzyuk|
  300. TechDis Accessibility & Usability Resource - Disability and the Web||access||
  301. Tek-Tips||forum||
  302. Telegraph & Argus||news||
  303. textism||various||
  304. TGT Soft LLC||windows||
  305. The 10 Best Resources for CSS - SiteProNews||css|adam kalsey|
  306. The CSS Playground||css|stu nicholls|
  307. The myth of RSS compatibility||xml|rss,mark pilgrim|
  308. The Register||news||
  309. The ThrashBox||webdes||
  310. Thoughts of OurSelves||php||
  311. Toms Hardware||comp||
  312. Top XML Developer Library||xml||
  313. Translator||tools||
  314. Traversing HTML with JavaScript and DOM||html,js||
  315. Tucows Downloads||windows||
  316. Ultimate Drop Down Menu - Customisation||js||
  317. Unobtrusive Flash Objects (UFO)||flash||
  318. Usable Type||type||
  319. Jakob Nielsen||access||
  320. User Agent Strings||browsers||
  321. User JavaScript in Opera||js,opera||
  322. Using a MySQL database with PHP||mysql,php||
  323. Using the XML HTTP Request object||js,html|ajax||
  324. Using Web Standards||mozilla,standards||
  325. Virtuelvis||webdes|arve bersvendsen|
  326. Virus and Spyware Information - University of Bradford||windows||
  327. Visual QuickPro Guide - Scripts||mysql||
  328. W3C||standards||
  329. W3Schools||webdes||
  330. Waferbaby||webdes|daniel brock bogan|
  331. Wanadoo||various||
  332. Web Accessibility Initiative - WAI||access||
  333. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 - W3C||access||
  334. Web Design Practices||webdes||
  335. Web Developer Extension||firefox|chris pederick|
  336. Web Developer Forum||forum||
  337. Web Developer's Virtual Library (WDVL)||webdes||
  338. Web Forum for Web Master - India||forum||
  339. Web Internationalization FAQs - W3C||html||
  340. Web Page Design For Designers (WPDFD) Forum||forum||
  341. Web Page Design for Designers||webdes||
  342. Web Standards Link Bonanza - SimpleBits||standards|dan cederholm|
  343. Web Standards Project||standards||
  344. Web Style Guide, 2nd Edition||webdes||
  346. WebmasterWorld Google Knowledgebase V2||google||
  347. WebmasterWorld||forum||
  348. Webmonkey||webdes||
  349. Website Tips||webdes||
  350. Webster's Online Dictionary||tools||
  351. What is RSS?||xml|rss,mark pilgrim||
  352. whatever:hover cssmenu||css||
  354. WHATWG||html||
  355. Whitegates||estate||
  356. Whois Lookup||tools||
  357. Why Should I Avoid Tables (for Layout)?||html||
  358. widget: calendar|file://localhost/C:/Documents and Settings/Chris Hester/Application Data/Opera/Opera 9 Pre-Finals Only/profile/widgets/|opera||
  359. Wikipedia||tools||
  360. Windows Live Local||windows||
  361. Windows Vista Beta 1: Hardware Guidance||windows||
  362. Windows Vista Wallpaper||free,windows||
  363. Wired News||news||
  364. Write The Web||webdes||
  365. WWW FAQs: How do I include one HTML file in another?||html,js||
  366. X Lab||xml||
  367. Xampp installation and security guide||php,windows||
  368. Xampp||php||
  369. X-bit labs||comp||
  370. XHTML 1.0 Spec (Second Edition) - W3C||html||
  371. XHTML 2.0 MIME Types||html||
  372. XHTML 2.0 Spec (Draft) - W3C||html||
  373. XHTML FAQ - W3C||html||
  374. XHTML Media Types - W3C||html||
  375. XML and XSL-based Solutions - Beyond ASP: ||asp,xml||
  376. XML Events for HTML Authors||html,xml||
  377. XML Files||xml||
  378. XML Transformations with CSS and DOM||css,js,xml||
  379. Yahoo! UK & Ireland Weather Report||weather||
  380. Yahoo! UK||search||
  382. Zend - parsing XML with PHP||php,xml||